Nothing ought to be more important to us than our personal values—the treasured traits that guide our lives.
In Strength and Struggle we unlock the secrets of great character by exploring some of the most dramatic narratives and inspiring personalities in all of history. Set in the midst of our nation’s formative years, an era in which our ancestors fought to carve out a civilization among hostile neighbors, these thrilling tales of judges, kings, and prophets reach into the essence of the human condition. Their heroes and antiheroes teach us eternal lessons of struggle and triumph, courage and humility, hope and resilience.
You will walk away from this course with an enhanced knowledge of the books of the Prophets and the dramatic events that comprise a significant portion of our nation’s history. You will have gained an opportunity to think deeply about yourself and the values that are most important to you.
And more importantly, you will be a stronger person, empowered by its lessons to overcome—and even grow from—the challenges that life throws your way.
Join us for Six Tuesdays
Starting May 17, 2016
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Chabad Center of Jewish Life
7347 W. Sand Lake Road
Orlando, FL 32819
$70.00 | Couples Discount: $118
Early Bird Special 5% off before 5/1/2016
For more information:
[email protected]