Our So
Distancing Recommendations
1. 1. Everyone should disinfect hands before and after leaving the building
2. 2. Everyone should wear masks.
3. 3. Anyone above 65, who has not been sick with covid19 yet (or does not have antibodies) is not recommended to attend an indoor Minyan.
4. 4. Nobody currently ill or recently ill may attend (same for a family member or roommate).
5. 5. There should be no more than 20 people in Shul at once.
6. 6. Everyone should keep 6-8 ft apart.
7. 7. Every seat in (indoor) Shul will be positioned to maintain distance.
Most will have a table in front of it. Please keep them in positions.
a) Family members should share a longer table.
8. 8. Siddurim should be disinfected before and after davening.
Please take a Siddur/Chumash and keep it through the end of Davening
9. 9. The Torah should NOT be sent around for touching or kissing.
10. Theone who gets an Aliya)should make a bracha without touching the Torah or by holding a tissue or gloves. He should still wear his mask.
11. The Torah Reader should step 6 ft away when the person makes his Bracha.
12. Theone receiving an Aliya
should step 6 ft to the side, when thereader
reads the Torah.
13. Same person should get the honor of opening and closing of the Ark/Aron.
14. There will be no Food, Kiddush or refreshments served. Please do not enter the food storage closet, or the kitchen area. We will G-d willing put out small water bottles in the kiddush room. At certain events, Packaged food will be handed out at the end of the service.
15. Restrooms should be used in a sanitary manner. It is recommended to use Lysol before and after one uses the restroom. Disinfect after using the restroom.