Sukkot Schedule and Public Sukkahs

Join us for Sukkos Davening!

Sukkoth is reminiscent of the “Clouds of Glory” with which G‑d protected us in the desert.On Sukkoth we leave the comfort of our Home and dwell in a Sukkah, a simple hut,in which all are equal-symbolizing Jewish Unity. During the 8 days of Sukkoth we make a blessing on the “Lulav & Etrog,” the “Four Kinds,” representing all kinds of Jews.

  • There will be a sukkah at Chabad Center for all those who wish to eat and/or sit in it.

  • Sukkah in The Theme Parks: ... PENDING...

Epcot Center:

This year's sukkah is located down the Amaze & Imagine walkway to the far left of the ticket counters. It's in the first row of the second section of parking in Row Create 39.
The sukkah will be there until about 4pm on Monday and on Tuesday from roughly 11:30am until 3pm.