Dearest friends,
This all started as a dream. Chani and I had a conversation last week, as have lots of Jewish people and friends of Israel, about what can we do for Israel. Sitting in the US, desperately wanting to help, we sprung into action. We contacted some close friends and family and asked them if they would be willing to be our representatives on the ground, at the border of the Gaza Strip. Would they be willing to be the last people the soldiers see before they go to battle? Would they be willing to be the first people the soldiers see when they come back from battle?
And they said YES!
Here is how it works: we are raising money right here and sending it to Israel. Our representatives on the ground, Yuda Meer and Folli Tesler, have taken this money, found the cheapest places to buy WHAT THE SOLDIERS WANT and give it to them.
This Sunday, Chabad of South Orlando will be organizing an event to boost the morale of the soldiers, and we will distribute:
- 1,000 pairs of underwear
- 1,000 undershirts
- 2,000 socks
- 1,000 Tzitzit
- 5,000 sandwiches
- 3,600 energy drinks
- THOUSANDS of shampoo, deodorant, soap, towels, packages of baby wipes
With help and partnership of our amazing friends on the ground in Israel -- Folli Tessler, Yuda Meer, and their volunteers -- Chabad of South Orlando continues to deliver care packages to IDF soldiers stationed on the Gaza border. There is no doubt that this will raise morale and help the troops prepare themselves to protect Am Yisroel.
This is hands on action. We are committed. Be a part of it.
Our Colleagues have run many missions so far, and there are more to come. Please donate ANY amount here!