Chabad Young Professionals and Chabad of South Orlando L'Yisraelim invite you to 'Purim in the 90s' at Primrose Lanes

Get ready to throw it back to the 90s at our Purim party at Primrose Lanes - it's gonna be lit!

Welcome to CYP Purim in the 90s at Primrose Lanes! Get ready to transport back to the 90s at this epic in-person event happening at Primrose Lanes Restaurant and Bowling Club in Downtown Orlando!

Dust off your flannel shirts, grab your scrunchies, and lace up those bowling shoes for a night of nostalgia and fun. Join us for a blast from the past as we celebrate Purim in true 90s style. Don't miss out on this groovy event!

Saturday, March 23rd

  • Doors Open: 8:30 PM
  • Megillah: 9:00 PM
  • Bowling: 9:30 PM - 12 AM

Admission includes: FREE bowling & shoes, FREE drinks, Hamentashen & more!

Megillah Reading • Split-the-Pot Raffle • Festive Music • Dress like the 90s!

Buy Tickets

At Primrose Lanes Restaurant and Bowling Club
400 N Primrose Dr, Orlando, FL 32803

Thank you to our sponsors: Louis Berk Law | Ambar Build | Mawardi Family

Parking available on-site though if you plan to drink best to attend via Uber or Lyft