Hotels near Chabad
Drury Inn
The closest hotel to Chabad, just at the corner of the block, is the Drury Inn & Suites.
This hotel will be in the new Eiruv (call to confirm)
You are welcome to reserve a room, adjoining room, or a suite for Sukkos, at the Drury and walk to Chabad for all Meals, Davening, and to use the Sukkah.
See here for the hotel page, to book with a Chabad discount:
Westgate Palace
If you prefer to stay in a hotel with a kitchen, you have the option to stay in
a suite at the Westgate Palace (roughly a 20-25 minute walk from Chabad).
- Price - You may book the Westgate through us, at our special Chabad rate of $199-219 per night for Sukkot.
To book a Westgate Palace suite with a discounted rate, click here:
- Davening - services will be held across from Westgate at the Chabad Center 3 times per day - on both Yom Tov & Chol Hamo'ed.
- Eruv - There is no eruv between the hotels and Chabad
- Sukkah - There will be a sukkah at Chabad available to the public.
Sukkot Meals Program - There will be meals available to order for both Yom Tov. It is preferable that you order in advance to ensure you are catered for.
Click here to order the meals...
Ø Yom Tov Meals - $290 per adult (12yrs & up) ($435 includ. Shabbat)
$200 per child (11 yrs & under) ($300 including Shabbos)
Includes for each day:
Evening Dinner
Continental Buffet
Light Afternoon Buffet
> Just Shabbos: $145/Adult or $100/Child.
* Package includes both days & nights of Yom Tov.